Overview of all Re-granting Projects
The projects delivere substantial policy input, provide capacity building and trainings, as well as activities and campaigns focusing on the grassroots level connecting the civil society with the interest and needs of wider public in the EaP countries. The project results contribute to the policy implementation under the EaP multilateral roof, to the process of reforms in the EaP countries and to EaP CSF advocacy in Brussels, EU and EaP capitals.
Working Group 1: Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability
All WG1 projects
Projects in 2019
- Building a common response to hybrid threats – enhancing cooperation of EaP CSOs in policy solutions building
- Russian military presence in some of the EaP countries and its impact on human rights situation
- Monitoring recent developments of Russian propaganda’s messages, tools and methods
- Developing a joint EaP CSF advocacy plan for the promotion of the prevention, protection and prosecution of the gender-based violence in EaP countries and the implementation/ratification of the Istanbul Convention
Projects in 2018
- EaP Think Tank Forum 2018 – A New Security Agenda for EaP, The Regional Approach
- Civil Society for Combating Corruption and Promotion Open Governance in the EaP Countries
- Increasing Capacity for Implementing Efficient Gender Policy and Practices in Countries of Eastern Partnership – in Accordance to “Eastern Partnership – 20 Deliverables for 2020
Projects in 2017
- Adopting Experience of Bilateral EU-Moldova and EU-Georgia CS Platforms to Armenia
- Eastern Partnership Think Tank Forum 2017
- Cooperation between civil society and governments in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia: challenges and way forward
- Inclusion in Action
- Capacity Development for Gender Subgroups of National Platforms in Armenia, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine
Projects in 2016
- Update on Public Administration and Local Governments Reform in EaP
- Developing a single strategy on Gender Equality issues of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
- Joining Efforts and Skills to Confront Propaganda
- Security Alert on EU’s Eastern Doorsteps
- Consolidating the Efforts of the Civil Society Organisations in Fighting the Political Corruption
- From Inclusion to Participation in Decision-Making
Working Group 2: Economic Integration & Convergence with EU Policies
All WG 2 projects
Projects in 2019
- Project 1: Contributing to the formation of the agenda and institutional preconditions for enhancing digital competencies in Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia
- Project 2: Development of SME strategies and its impact on regional SMEs
Projects in 2018
- Facilitation of Regional Professional Education in Agriculture and Rural Development in EaP countries
- Convergence Business Climate in the Eastern Partnership Countries with the Business Climate in the EU
Projects in 2017
- Benefitting From EU Open Market: SMEs Practical Guide to DCFTA Learning from Experience of Latvia
- Enhancing the Role of Civil Society and SME from Eastern Partnership Countries in the Implementation of European Standards
Projects in 2016
- DCFTAs’ enshrined Geographic Indications/GIs for non-wine food products: A boost for partnerships’ based rural development in EaP
- Small Business Act for Europe and DCFTA of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine Using Experience of Latvia Overcoming Economic Crisis
- EaP – Information Society Instead of War
- Empowered Women for Social Integration
Working Group 3: Environment, Climate Change and Energy Security
All WG3 projects
Projects in 2019
- Project 1: Ecosystem approach to hydropower: facilitating the implementation of European requirements to development of hydropower sector in states of Eastern Europe Partnership
- Project 2: Energy poverty – guidance for state policy and public discourse on energy poverty in the time of reform
Projects in 2018
- Environmental Assessment Watch – Implementation of SEA and EIA Tools: Civil Society Monitoring of the Situation in the Target Countries
- EURO AQUA: AA-driven Integrated Local Water Governance in EaP
- Transparent Energy Trading in Secessionist Regions
Projects in 2017
- Energy watchdog coalition
- Smart waste management in Eastern Partnership Countries
- Advancing Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine for the European Environmental Governance Reforms
Projects in 2016
- Mapping the Route for EaP Countries and the EU Cooperation within the Energy Union
- Promotion of Paludiculture in Black Sea Region Wetlands for Carbon Sequestration, Sustainable Development and Community-Based Renewable Energy
- Implementation of Waste Management Policies in EaP Countries According to the Association Agreement
Working Group 4: Contacts between People
Projects in 2020
- Project 1: InclusiON NOW! Development of Inclusive Youth Work in the Eastern Partnership countries
- Project 2: Mythbusters: debunking the most common EU myths in EaP countries through gaming
- Project 3: Youth Employment Solutions: Impact by Civil Society in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia
- Project 4: Enhancing EaP-EU cooperation in R&I through comparative analyses of EaP national research systems
All WG4 projects
Projects in 2019
- Project 1: Facilitating effective visa liberalization in Georgia, Moldova and Armenia through experience sharing
- Project 2: STEP – Supporting economic participation of excluded youth in EaP countries
- Project 3: ANY EaP – Assessing the needs of youth in the EaP
Projects in 2018
- Creative EaP
- Youth for Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas
- Youth Economic Empowerment through Social Entrepreneurship
Projects in 2017
- Everybody Counts: Rural Youth Empowerment in Eastern Partnership Countries
- Ageing and intergenerational solidarity- advocating age-friendly policies in Eastern Partnership countries
- Creative Europe Forum
Projects in 2016
- Communities, Classrooms and Civil Society: Sharing Experience and Developing Regional Approaches to Addressing the Rights and Needs of Children with Disabilities in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine
- EaP Countries Cooperation to Ensure the Quality Assurance in Higher Education
- Strengthening Higher Education Reforms in the Eastern Partnership Countries
Working Group 5: Social & Labour Policies and Social Dialogue
All WG5 projects
Projects in 2019
- Project 1: Partnership for social inclusive and gender equal employment policy
- Project 2: Study – Labour rights of migrant workers from EaP countries, working at the informal sector in European Union
Projects in 2018
- Social Partnership for Equality
- Social Security Regulation between EU countries, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine
Projects in 2017
- The impact of social dialogue on the optimization of labor migration in Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine
- Step forward to social services decentralization in Eastern Partnership countries
Projects in 2016
Contact us
Tania Marocchi
Email: tania.marocchi@eap-csf.eu
Tel: +32 2 893 25 86