2020 Re-granting to Working Group 4, Project 3
Youth Employment Solutions: Impact by Civil Society in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia
The Open Society Foundation NGO (Ukraine), together with its partners in Georgia and Moldova, will work towards increasing the role of CSOs in the formulation and implementation of youth employment policy, simultaneously taking efforts to ensure that such policy is based on best practices in the promotion of youth employment, as implemented in selected countries of the Eastern Partnership.
At a glance
Lead organisation: Open Society Foundations NGO (Ukraine)
Partner organisations:
- Foreign Policy Association of Moldova
- Center for Strategy and Development (Georgia)
Project duration: 01 April – 31 October 2020
Project aim: The overall aim of this project is to increase the role of CSOs in formulation and implementation of youth employment policy, simultaneously taking efforts to ensure that such policy is based on best practices in the promotion of youth employment implemented in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. For this purpose, a mutual peer learning dialogue on policies and institutions will be launched between the three target countries. The purpose of this dialogue will be to accumulate policy ideas, which can be used by the national governments to draft or amend specific action plans and road maps aimed at the promotion of youth employment. This makes the project relevant to the thematic priorities of Working Group 4.
Available for download
Final report, Youth Employment Solutions: The Impact by Civil Society in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia
Окончательный доклад, Решения для молодежной занятости: влияние гражданского общества в Украине, Молдове и Грузии
Press Conference on the policy papers (in Ukrainian), Рішення для молодіжної зайнятості: вплив громадянського суспільства в Україні, Грузії та Молдові, 30 October