EaP CSF Policy Dialogue

The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) is the only civil society organisation that has a permanent observer status in the official multilateral EaP architecture. We ensure the participation of civil society in the process of planning, monitoring and implementation of the EaP policy. 

EaP Ministerial Meetings

The Eastern Partnership (EaP) ministerial meetings bring together EU foreign ministers and their counterparts from the six Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). The meetings are chaired by the EU High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/ Vice-President of the Commission and the Commissioner for EU Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations. Several key stakeholders involved in the region (CoE, EIB, EBRD) also participate in the meetings. One EaP CSF representative is invited to represent the civil society view by delivering a speech on behalf of civil society.

EaP Senior Official Meetings

The Senior Official Meetings (SOM) brings together high-level civil servants from the EU member states and the six Eastern Partnership countries, as well as representatives of the European External Action Service and European Commission. Several key stakeholders involved in the region (CoE, EIB, EBRD) also attend. One EaP CSF representative is invited to deliver a speech on behalf of civil society.

EaP Platforms and Panels

The multilateral EaP architecture includes 4 thematic Platforms and three Panels under each of the Platforms. Platform 1 covers topics related to strengthening institutions and good governance. Platform 2 is about economic development and market opportunities. Platform 3 combines topics related to connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change. Platform 4 represents stronger the society track covering mobility and people-to-people contacts. The EaP CSF sends two civil society representatives to each meeting of EaP Platform or Panel.


The Conference of Regional and Local Authorities for the Eastern Partnership (CORLEAP) is the political forum of local and regional authorities from the European Union and the Eastern Partnership countries. CORLEAP is EaP CSF’s institutional intersection with the European Committee of the Regions.


The Euronest Parliamentary Assembly is the inter-parliamentary forum in which members of the European Parliament and the national parliaments of Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia participate and forge closer political and economic ties with the European Union. One of the Co-Chairs of the Steering Committee represents as this meeting the view of the civil society.

Bilateral Dialogues

The bilateral track of the EaP architecture of the EU covers various issues connected to the relations of the EU with each of the EaP countries respectively.

Association Agreements

The EU has put forward concrete ideas for each eastern partner country through a new generation of association agreements. These replace the partnership and cooperation agreements concluded with partner countries separately in the years before the official launch of the EaP policy.

The EaP CSF as the EU’s institutional partner