2020 Re-granting to Working Group 2, Project 1
Promoting Links between the Rural Economy and Development Actions – LEADER Approach in EaP regions
“WINNET Armenia” Network of Women Resource Centers (Armenia) and its project partners from Georgia and Moldova will work towards the implementation of the LEADER approach in the rural economy and development of the Eastern Partnership.
At a glance
Lead organisation: “WINNET Armenia” Network of Women Resource Centers, legally represented by Women’s Development “Resource Center” Foundation (Armenia)
Partner organisations:
- National LEADER Network in the Republic of Moldova (Moldova)
- Foundation “Accion Contra el Hambre” (Action Against Hunger) AAH (Georgia)
Project duration: 01 May – 31 October 2020
Project aim: This project aims to promote the implementation of the LEADER approach in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, through the establishment of an Open Work Platform for collaboration between interested partners. The acronym ‘LEADER’ derives from the French “Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l’Économie Rurale” which means, ‘Links between the rural economy and development actions’.
The project includes activities contributing to the mitigation of the Covid-19 pandemic in the region: Both the lead organisation and their partners aim to raise awareness about the consequences of Covid-19 by spreading reliable and useful information via their social media platforms and websites.
Available for download
Methodology Guide for Implementing the LEADER approach in the Eastern Partnership Region based on the experience of Armenia, Georgia and Moldova
Case study on local development models: perspectives of introducing the LEADER approach in Armenia
Field Research on the implementation of the LEADER approach in Georgia
Case study on the implementation of the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova
Virtual study visit, Promoting Links between the Rural Economy and Development actions –Development actions – LEADER approach in EaPregion, 2020
Detailed methodology of the project: Promoting Links between the Rural Economy and Development actions –Development actions – LEADER approach in EaPregion, 2020
Presentation on the project’s objectives, activities and expected outcomes: Promoting Links between the Rural Economy and Development actions –Development actions – LEADER approach in EaPregion, 2020
Summary of the project: LEADER in EaP project, WINNET Armenia, National LEADER Network Moldova & Acción Contra el Hambre Georgia, 2020