Lead Organization: Prague Security Studies Institute (Czech Republic)
Partners: International Center for Defence and Security – ICDS (Estonia), Foreign Policy Association – APE (Moldova), Kharkiv Crises Infocenter – KCI (Ukraine), the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies – GFSTS (Georgia)
Project duration: 7 months (15 April – 30 November 2017)
Aim: to bring together leading experts from three EaP countries (Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) to identify current challenges these countries are facing with respect to communication and cooperation between the civil society and government. Secondly, the project seeks to strengthen and build new capacities for the civil society sector in respective regions, by providing easily accessible online education tools.
Main output: a closed roundtable, consisting of three workshops on how the cooperation between the civil society and government can enhance the resilience of society, on the advocacy-related best practices to facilitate this communication, and on the role of technology and civic journalism in helping local activists.
Policy Paper
Cooperation between civil society and state sector: problems and solutions
Summary of the expert panel discussion Countries