Lead Organization: Small Business Association of Moldova
Partners: Georgian Association “Women in Business”, European Business Association (EBA), Business Union of Latvia
Project duration: 1 May 2016- 30 November 2016
Aim: to facilitate economic development of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine by defining roadmap solutions for economic reforms based on the Small Business Act (SBA) implementation in EU countries and Latvian experience during the crisis in order to fully benefit from DCFTA.
Outputs: based on a visit to Latvia, the project participants will assess the DCFTAs and the SBA implementation in their countries, producing three country reports. Subsequently, a consolidated report setting forward policy recommendations will be composed. The final report at the EaP CSF Annual Assembly in November 2016.
Small Business Act for Europe and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas – Roadmap for Economic Development of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine using Experience of Latvia Overcoming Economic Crisis
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