Re-granting to Members
(Financial Support to third parties – FSTP)
The new FSTP – EaP CSF re-granting to members (2021-2023) is distributed via three lots with maximum allocation of EUR 240.000 per year. Lot 1 supports multiannual project on monitoring of new EaP deliverables and targets as defined in the Joint Staff Working Document (to be published in July 2021), Lot 2 supports projects addressing the Forum’s strategic advocacy priorities and Lot 3 aims to support annually the projects of EaP CSF member organisations developing and delivering on the strategic policy and capacity building priorities of the Forum within the regional dimension with a strong focus on mutual learning among partner member organisations.
Why is Re-granting important?
The projects deliver substantial policy input, provide capacity building and trainings, as well as activities and campaigns focusing on the grassroots level connecting the civil society with the interest and needs of wider public in the EaP countries. The project results contribute to the policy implementation under the EaP multilateral roof, to the process of reforms in the EaP countries and to EaP CSF advocacy in Brussels, EU and EaP capitals.
Re-granting in numbers
Calls (2015-2020)
Ongoing Projects
Total budget
Our grantees say…
“The re-granting scheme helped Euro Aqua project to create EU-EaP partnerships on issues related to the local water management. By sharing best practies we addressed local stakeholders who work on implementing water sector directives”.
“With the support of the EaP CSF re-granting scheme, we made a step forward in improving the situation with youth and social entrepreneurship, particularly in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine”.
“The EaP CSF re-granting scheme gives us great opportunity to learn how the same ideas can be implemented in different ways. It is possible only if you work with six different partners from all EaP countries”.
“The EaP CSF re-granting scheme helped us to build synergies with our partners, while debating on policy changes needed for social security regulations in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. Facing similar regional socio-economic challenges, like migration, social support, or education project partners benefited from sharing experience and establishing joint advocacy activities”.
Contact us
Tania Marocchi
Tel: +32 2 893 25 86