Re-granting projects to WG4
Re-granting projects to the Working Group 4 are covering thematic areas of Youth, Education, Culture, Research and Innovation. In the course of 2020, four projects were selected.
InclusiON NOW! Development of Inclusive Youth Work in the Eastern Partnership countries
The Armenian Progressive Youth NGO (Armenia) and their project partners from EaP and the EU will offer an opportunity for a professional development to a group of youth professionals in the Eastern Partnership countries who work in the area of youth inclusion in selected countries of the Eastern Partnership. Read more here.
Mythbusters: Debunking the most common EU myths in the EaP countries through gaming
The Foundation for Advancement of Moldova (Moldova) together with Armenian Progressive Youth and Youth Organization-STAN (Ukraine) will contribute to the EU myth debunking process in order to truthfully inform citizens on the status of EaP -EU relations and their benefits. Read more here.
Youth Employment Solutions: Impact by Civil Society in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia
The Open Society Foundation NGO (Ukraine) togethwe with its partners in Georgia and Moldova will work towards raising the role of CSOs in formulation and implementation of the youth employment policy, simultaneously taking efforts to ensure that such policy is based on best practices in promotion of youth employment implemented in selected countries of the Eastern Partnership. Read more here.
Enhancing EaP-EU cooperation in R&I through comparative analyses of EaP national research systems
The Association European Studies for Innovative Development of Georgia (ESIDG) and the Civic Union ‘Center for innovation development’ “CU CID” (Ukraine) will provide in the framework of this Re-granting project a thorough analysis on the current state of development, trends and practices in research systems of all six countries of the Eastern Partnership. Read more here.
Contact us
Vera Rihackova Pachta
Advocacy manager
Tel: +32 2 893 25 88