Re-granting projects to WG2

Re-granting projects to the Working Group 2 cover projects in the area of Economic Integration & Convergence with EU Policies. In the course of 2020, two projects were selected. 

Promoting Links between the Rural Economy and Development actions – LEADER approach in EaP region

“WINNET Armenia” Network of Women Resource Centers (Armenia) and their project partners from Georgia and Moldova will work towards the implementation of the LEADER approach in the rural economy and development of the Eastern Partnership. Read more here

National smart laboratories: promoting smart specialization approach in regional development of Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine

The NGO “Pro Regional Cooperation”, (Moldova) and their project partners from Belarus and Ukraine will work towards building regional capacity through key approaches, in particular local conditions, knowledge base and regional economy for civil society in selected countries of the Eastern Partnership. Read more here

Contact us

Vera Rihackova Pachta

Advocacy manager
Tel: +32 2 893 25 88