19 Sep 2018 | Democracy, Governance and Transparency, Moldova, NP Statements, Statements, Ukraine
In their meetings in July-August, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) Moldovan and Ukrainian National Platforms have jointly come against the planned expansion of existing hydroelectric power plants (HPPs), as well as construction of new ones in the two...
24 Apr 2018 | Armenia, Armenia 2018, Campaigns, Democracy, Governance and Transparency, Freedom of Assembly, NP Statements, Statements
In recent weeks, representatives of the civil society of Belarus have closely followed the social and political developments in Armenia, where large-scale civic protests, strikes and demonstrations have been taking place. They served as a reaction to the appointment...
23 Mar 2018 | Armenia, NGOs Environment, NP Statements, Statements
The EaP CSF Armenian National Platform has adopted a statement on the impossibility to continue its activities due to the absence of funding since November 2017. The absence of the funding from the EU is especially alarming against the backdrop of the ever-growing...
31 Mar 2017 | Belarus, Campaigns, EU-EaP negotiations, NP Statements, Statements
Following the events of 25-26 March in Minsk and other Belarusian cities, the EaP CSF Belarusian National Platform (BNP) released a statement calling on the responsible EU officials to objectively assess the situation in the country and consider the opportunities, as...
22 Sep 2016 | Belarus, NP Statements
The Belarusian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum released a statement in which expresses its concern about how the legislative elections were organized in Belarus on 11 September 2016. The statement acknowledges minor positive changes...
11 Jul 2016 | Campaigns, NP Statements, Statements, Trade Unions, Ukraine
The Ukrainian National Platform and Working Group 5 “Social & Labour Policies and Social Dialogue” of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) are concerned about the adoption procedure and a number of provisions of the Draft Labour Code of Ukraine...