16 Jul 2018 | Campaigns, Democracy, Governance and Transparency, Moldova, NGOs Environment, Statements
On 11 July 2018, the member organizations of the Moldovan National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) expressed their deep concern and indignation regarding the current Government’s shrinking from the responsibility for the failure of...
27 Jun 2018 | Campaigns, NGOs Environment, SC Statements, Statements
The Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) notes with dismay the recent controversial legislation passed by the Hungarian government on 20 June on the occasion of the World Refugee Day. The new “Stop Soros” provision – Article 353A...
9 May 2018 | Azerbaijan 100th Annual Assembly, Campaigns, NGOs Environment, Statements
The Steering Committee (SC) of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) is concerned that financial support from the European Union (EU) should be allocated in a transparent way to projects to be conducted by civil society organisations in Azerbaijan....
29 Mar 2018 | NGOs Environment, SC Statements, Statements
One year ago, on March 30, Ukraine introduced amendments to legislation requiring public officials to declare assets and extended obligations to civil society activists fighting corruption. Consequently, the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society...
23 Mar 2018 | Armenia, NGOs Environment, NP Statements, Statements
The EaP CSF Armenian National Platform has adopted a statement on the impossibility to continue its activities due to the absence of funding since November 2017. The absence of the funding from the EU is especially alarming against the backdrop of the ever-growing...
17 Jul 2017 | Campaigns, Moldova, NGOs Environment, Statements
A group of over 40 human rights organizations has recently released a declaration expressing concern for the potential undemocratic limitations to NGO’s work in Moldova. The contested restrictions are contained in three articles that were recently added to the draft...