Re-granting projects to WG3

Re-granting projects to the Working Group 3 are tackling issues in Environment, climate change and energy security areas. In the course of 2020, two projects were selected. 

Ecosystem services and hydropower: pilot application of European tools in the river basins of the EaP countries

The International Association of River Keepers ECO-TIRAS , (Moldova) and their project partners from other EaP countries will work towards a bust of the renewable energy and obligatory ecosystem approach to sectoral activities such as hydropower development. Read more here

Energy Transparency Index – a powerful tool for strengthening transparency of the energy sector

In the framework of this project, DIXI Group NGO, (Ukraine) and their partners from Georgia and Moldova will monitor transparency of the overall energy sector and respective subsectors in three EaP countries: Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Read more here

Contact us

Vera Rihackova Pachta

Advocacy manager
Tel: +32 2 893 25 88