Re-granting projects to WG1

Re-granting projects to the Working Group 1 cover most burning issues in EaP region related to Democracy, Human Rights, Good Governance and Stability. In the course of 2020, two projects were selected. 

Promotion of women’s and feminist initiatives for ratification the Istanbul Convention and counteraction anti-gender initiatives in the region

The Centre of Women’s Perpectives (Ukraine) together with their project partners from other five EaP counrties will advocate, in the framework of this project, for a speedy ratification of the Istanbul Convention for the protection of women in the Eastern Partnership region. Read more here

Think Bridge: Raising Awareness and Sharing Experiences

The NGO “Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation” (Ukraine) and their partners from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova will work towards Strategic Communications Plurality for civil society in their respective countries of the Eastern Partnership. Read more here

Contact us

Vera Rihackova Pachta

Advocacy manager
Tel: +32 2 893 25 88