In 2018, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) participated in two rounds of EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform meetings, coordinated by European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). 3rd EU-Georgia Civil Society Meeting (22 March 2018, in Tbilisi, Georgia) tackled issues related to support mechanisms for SMEs – Small and Medium Enterprises, paying attention to the specific, Georgian context.
Speaking on behalf of EaP CSF, Dovile Sukyte (Eastern Europe Studies Centre, Lithuania) presented the findings from joint research on “DCFTA-related mapping of Georgian SMEs and CSOs”. The presentation looked at some implications, stemming from Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) agreement – and their general awareness in the sector. It also considered its current incentives and ways to promote opportunities, which DCFTA opens up for business.
4th EU-Georgia Civil Society Meeting (22 November 2018 in Brussels, Belgium) focused on energy efficiency and acting on climate change. These included some priority areas, framed within climate policy: sustainable forest management, protection of coastal zones and a switch from large-scale hydropower to solar and wind energy. On both occasions, participants had a chance to learn from success stories – and how to harness synergies, that come from working with EU partners.