Call for applications – EaP CSF National Platforms’ Assessor

The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum is looking for an external consultant/ team of two external consultants to carry out the second External Assessment of the six National Platforms’ compliance with the Ethical Code of Conduct and the implementation of the recommendations stemming from the EaP CSF Internal Reform.

Location: Home-based
Expected duration of assignment: 8-10 working days
Application Deadline: 8 October 2021

The NP assessor, who should not be a member of any EaP CSF National Platform, will carry out a rapid assessment of the implementation of the Code of Ethical Conduct of the Forum across six National Platforms (based in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) and all the measures stemming from the Internal Reform.

Required expertise and eligibility criteria:

  • Postgraduate university degree (in International Relations, Sociology, Social and Behavioural Studies, Law) or equivalent with relevant work experience in social-sector consulting/ NGO management;
  • Good understanding of organizational structures operations and policies of non-governmental organisations and familiarity with EaP CSF processes and structures;
  • Good understanding of the challenges and limitations, as well as opportunities of non-governmental organisations to integrate and maintain their Ethical Code of Conduct, create a Compliance Committee at their level, secure a fair and transparent delegate selection process;
  • Track record of work relevant to the current assignment and previous experience working with/ consulting international non-governmental organisations;
  • Excellent drafting and writing skills in both English and Russian;
  • Strong organisational and planning skills;
  • Discretion in dealing with internal information provided by each NP, impartiality, and independence in carrying out the external assessment.

Key responsibilities

  • preparing a methodology and a guide for evaluation of the implementation of the Ethical Code of Conduct by each NP, all the measures requested by the Internal Reform and the implementation of the recommendations provided by the first External Assessment;
  • conducting interviews, and analysing collected data;
  • liaising closely with each Code of Ethical Conduct Advisor, NP Facilitators, NP Secretariat, members, Compliance Committee members;
  • assessing the portfolio of major activities of each NP against the implementation of the Ethical Code of Conduct and all the Internal Reform related measures;
  • reviewing the six National Platforms Reports and assess the level of implementation of the provided recommendations during the first external assessment (December 2019-January 2020);
  • preparing NP-specific narrative reports that briefly present the current situation, showcase good practices and offer an overview of the challenges or limitations faced by each NP in the implementation phase of the NP-related provisions of the Internal Reform;
  • reporting to NPs’ facilitators and advisors, Steering Committee and its Secretariat;
  • providing recommendations for the improvement of the implementation process of the NP-related provisions of the Internal Reform;
  • assessing the readiness of the National Platforms from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine to take over the delegate selection process as of 2022;

Application and selection procedure

Qualified candidates are invited to apply by Friday, 8 October, 18h00 CET by sending the following documents to (Subject line: “Application – NP assessor”)

  • CV (maximum 2 pages, in English)
  • Expression of interest (maximum 1 page, in English)
  • Methodology (minimum 2 pages explaining how the work will be conducted)
  • Financial proposal (specifying a total lump sum amount for the task specified in this call)

EaP CSF applies fair and transparent recruitment process that will take into account both the expertise and skills of the applicants, as well as their financial proposal.

For any additional information, please contact Alexandra Sabou, Statutory Affairs Manager,

Contact us

Alexandra Sabou

Statutory Affairs Manager