Brussels, 29 March – 06 April 2021
Online Steering Committee Meeting
The EaP CSF Steering Committee (SC) convened online on the 29th of March, the 31st of March and the 6th of April 2021 to exchange with EU stakeholders on important policy matters, discuss the objectives of the upcoming Working Groups meetings and the scope of work for Working Group consultants. Additionally, the SC reflected on the EaP CSF Index methodology, the current composition of the Compliance Committee and the planning for this year’s Annual Assembly.
This year, EaP CSF Working Group (WG) meetings will take place throughout the months of May and June. Preparations are in full swing and registrations will be open soon to all members and delegates.
Following the methodology review of the EaP Index, the SC agreed that it should be composed of a single aggregated score, resulting from the three measured dimensions.
Regarding statutory matters, the SC looked into the current composition of the Compliance Committee (CC) and agreed with the relaunch of the Call for Nominations for the two positions which remained vacant after last year’s elections (1 EU and 1 EaP representative).
The SC also reflected on the structure of the agenda for the upcoming Annual Assembly of the Forum which will take place online between 29 November and 4 December 2021.