EaP CSF Re-Granting (FSTP) to members 2021, Lot 3, Project 2

The Role of the CSOs in DCFTA Implementation in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

The Georgian Institute of Politics together with its project partners from two other EaP countries will address the economic integration of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine through the prism of civil society and SMEs.

At a glance

Lead organisation: Georgian Institute of Politics (Georgia)

Partner organisations:

  • Institute for European Policies and Reforms (Moldova)
  • Institute of Economic Research and Policy Consulting (Ukraine)

Project duration: 01 May 2021 – 30 November 2021

Project aim: This project aims to identify and analyse the various roles played by CSOs in the implementation of the DCFTAs in Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova. The project will deliver country reports assessing the ability of CSOs to enable local SMEs to benefit from these agreements while also facilitating effective communication between state institutions and SMEs.

The final report will draw a comparative assessment across the three DCFTA states, thus bringing to light good practices and limitations of CSO engagement in the implementation of the DCFTAs in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

Available for download

Final Report, The role of civil society in DCFTA implementation in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

Infographic, Key project findings

PresentationThe role of civil society in DCFTA implementation in Georgia

PresentationThe role of civil society in DCFTA implementation in Moldova

PresentationThe role of civil society in DCFTA implementation in Ukraine