October 2019

EaP CSF Structured Consultation 2019 on the future of the EaP

Between July and October 2019, the EaP CSF carried out an inclusive structured consultation on the future strategic direction of the Eastern Partnership to prepare civil society response to DG NEAR’s consultation on the future of the EaP policy/ Eastern Partnership structured consultation – post 2020.

Through a process including six in-country focus groups, four online thematic focus groups and an online questionnaire, the EaP CSF prepared a joint document based on the policy input of more than 200 EaP CSF member organisations from EaP countries and EU.

EaP CSF has prepared its joint contribution to DG NEAR’s consultation following a comprehensive methodology designed to harvest civil society recommendations from a country, regional and thematic perspective. Following the structure of the official DG NEAR consultation, EaP CSF developed its input in five thematic areas:

  1. Economic and human capital development
  2. Good governance, rule of law, security cooperation
  3. Development of Bilateral and Multilateral partnership with the EU and among EaP countries
  4. Improving Strategic Communication and Visibility
  5. Other areas

The document offers a joint civil society vision of the future of the Eastern Partnership after 2020. You can read the full version of the text here. A full report containing country chapters will be available in the upcoming days.

Available for download

Report The civil society perspective: Structured consultations on the Eastern Partnership beyond 2020, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, October 2019

Country Report Armenia The civil society perspective: Structured consultations on the Eastern Partnership beyond 2020, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, April 2020

Country Report Azerbaijan The civil society perspective: Structured consultations on the Eastern Partnership beyond 2020, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, December 2019

Country Report Belarus The civil society perspective: Structured consultations on the Eastern Partnership beyond 2020, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, June 2020

Country Report Georgia The civil society perspective: Structured consultations on the Eastern Partnership beyond 2020, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, June 2020

Country Report Moldova The civil society perspective: Structured consultations on the Eastern Partnership beyond 2020, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, June 2020

Country Report Ukraine The civil society perspective: Structured consultations on the Eastern Partnership beyond 2020, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, March 2020