Information for Attendees
Please note that only invited organisations can attend the event. They should register online by the specified deadline through the registration link in the personal invitation letter.
In June, out of 469 applications 168 organisations were selected to take part in the event, in line with the eligibility guidelines (drawing on shortlists by the country coordinators in conjunction with the national platforms, the working group coordinators, and the European Union delegations in the six Eastern Partnership countries).
38 organisations (24,8% of the selected ones) going to Tallinn have not attended the Annual Assembly of the Forum in Brussels in 2016, whereas 36 attendees (23,5% of the selected organisations) are new participants who have never attended any of the Assemblies. The organisations are divided into participants (with the right to vote) and observers (without the right to vote).
Additional attendees not included in the current list will be invited, including journalists, government officials, representatives of the EU institutions and EU partner country governments.
Attendees selected for the 9th EaP CSF Annual Assembly and EaP Civil Society Conference 2017
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