Lead Organisation: Georgian Institute of Politics (GIP)
Partners: Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC, Armenia), Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE, Moldova)
Project duration: March to October 2019
Aim: to address 20 Deliverables for 2020 under some of the WG4 thematic priorities: visa liberalization dialogue, mobility and migration by focusing on legal and irregular migration
23 April 2019
Ecosystem Approach to Hydropower
Facilitating the implementation of European requirements to development of hydropower sector in states of the EU Eastern Partnership
Lead Organisation:
National Ecological Centre of Ukraine
- International Association of River Keepers “ECO-TIRAS” (Moldova),
- “KHAZER” Ecological and Cultural NGO (Armenia),
- Azerbaijan Ornithological Society (Azerbaijan),
- NGO “Ecosphere” (Ukraine)
Project duration:
March to November 2019
- to facilitate the implementation of SEA and EIA procedures, stipulated by the horizontal EC Directives and relevant Conventions
- promoting the ecosystem approach to hydropower development and integrated water resources management