On 4-5 April 2019, Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) Steering Committee met in Brussels to discuss EaP CSF’s activities for the remainder of year – most importantly, the events connected 10th anniversary of EaP policy initiative, as well as Re-granting to National Platforms and Working Groups. The Steering Committee also looked into new processes, instigated by the Internal Reform – such as EaP and EU delegate selection and Code of Ethical Conduct.
EaP CSF will be taking part in the official celebrations of EaP’s anniversary, culminating with a series of events on 14 May 2019. On this occasion, the civil society will be presenting a policy paper, with recommendations for the future. Some of the data will come from the EaP Index, and the indicators running from 2012 to 2017 – showing how the policy has evolved over the years. This is not the only publication in the pipeline: EaP CSF will also be preparing two separate papers on Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) Implementation in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine and on values in Higher Education, in time for “Promoting Common Values through Education and Culture” Conference organised by DG EAC in Tbilisi later in June.
Other topics for discussion included the forthcoming Annual Assembly – and ongoing participation in other fora, such as Council of Europe’s International NGO Conference (CoE INGO). Closing the meeting, the Steering Committee adopted a statement on the current rule of law situation in Azerbaijan, bringing attention to some 70 political prisoners who remain behind bars – whose situation has not changed after the recent Novruz amnesty.
DOWNLOAD – Minutes: EaP CSF Steering Committee Meeting (4-5 April 2019, Brussels, Belgium)
VIEW – Photo gallery: EaP CSF Steering Committee Meeting (4-5 April 2019, Brussels, Belgium)