The EaP Environment and Climate Change Panel reconvened once more on 13 June in Kyiv (Ukraine). The main topic of discussion was the Declaration of the 1st EaP Ministerial on Environment and Climate Change. Participants were encouraged to discuss their experience of implementing the Declaration and its progress in their respective countries.

What is more, the Panel also gave an opportunity to present two major programmes, EU4Climate and EU4Environment, which link investment and mitigating the negative effects of climate change. The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) was represented by Ina Coseru and Anna Onisimova-Golubovska, who made numerous recommendations to the Panel:


  • Environmental governance: in line with EU4Climate and EU4Environment programmes, promote a stronger cooperation between sectoral ministries (agriculture, energy, transport and forestry) and, where possible, retain the Ministry of Environment as an entity (negative examples of Moldova and Georgia)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): incorporate and implement environmental legislation into large scale planning (negative example of Dniester hydropower in Ukraine and consequent drinking water crisis in Moldova)
  • Water pollution: in line with EU4Environment programme, address the problem of untreated waste water, which is currently the biggest source of surface water pollution. While industrial waste continues to present a challenge, both issues will need to be tackled at the municipal level to make tap water drinkable
  • Reforestation: encourage reforestation in EaP countries, as it is done in the EU, with an emphasis on biodiversity, water quality and counteracting climate change
  • Circular economy: in line with EU4Environment programme, involve civil society and promote general awareness of waste in EaP countries. This will allow the public to understand the benefits of zero waste and instil trust in future projects

DOWNLOAD – EaP CSF Position Paper on Environment and Climate Change


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