Job opportunity with Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Call for an Expert Consultant to conduct an Organisational Capacity Assessment

The EaP CSF is looking for an expert consultant or a team of consultants to conduct an Organisational Capacity Assessment (OCA) using specific techniques (OCAT).

Key responsibilities

The selected expert consultant(s) will be required to undertake the following tasks:

  • Outline the methodology of the OCA and elaborate a clear work plan of the assessment;
  • Review the relevant documentation and policies of the EaP CSF made available to the consultant by the EaP CSF Secretariat;
  • Conduct interviews and discussions with key stakeholders including staff members and Steering Committee members;
  • Analyse the information gathered to identify strengths and weaknesses in the organisation’s capacity and processes;
  • Develop recommendations for improvement in each of the areas identified;
  • Provide a detailed report and management letter that outline the result of the OCA and recommendations on how to improve the areas identified;


  • Demonstrated experience in setting up, facilitating and implementing structured capacity assessments of membership-based international non-governmental organisations;
  • A post-graduate degree in Political Science, International Relations, European Studies, Business Administration, Management, or any other related field;
  • Knowledge and experience in the areas of governance and regulatory affairs, management of human resources, financial management, risk management and internal control systems, membership acquisition and retention policies for international CSOs;
  • Excellent analytical and report writing;
  • Excellent English language, both spoken and written;

Application procedure

Interested individual consultants or teams of consultants are invited to submit their proposals including:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume of the individual consultant/ team of consultants who will be involved in the OCA;
  • A cover letter that outlines the consultant’s experience, qualifications and availability for the OCA (June 2023);
  • Short proposal describing the OCA methodology, associated activities and timeline that will be employed by the consultant(s), if selected;
  • Budget proposal;

All documents should be written in English and submitted by Sunday, 21 May 23:59 CEST to

Selection procedure

The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum will evaluate all applications on a rolling basis based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated experience and qualifications of the consultant(s);
  • Proposed methodology and work plan for the OCA;
  • Budget and value for money;
  • Availability to conduct the OCA during the indicated period (June 2023);

The selected consultant(s) will be notified about the results of the selection procedure by 26 May, 18:00 CEST, at the latest.