4th Call for Project Proposals under the EaP CSF Re-granting Scheme

Following the success of the past three years, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) Secretariat is launching the 4th Call for Proposals in order to support projects of the EaP CSF members with a regional dimension that can contribute to achieving the mission and objectives of the EaP CSF.

This call aims to support the work of the five thematic Working Groups of the EaP CSF. The priorities for each Working Group and the application process are described in the Guidelines for Applicants.

Applicants are encouraged to develop proposals that would contribute to the effective policy-making and advocacy of the objectives of the EaP CSF at the EU level.  They should focus on advancing reforms in the EaP countries and should encourage activity of the civil society in policy domains where the civil society has not been active so far. The projects proposals should particularly focus on connecting the envisaged activities with the interests and needs of the wider public. Proposals that comply with more than one of these objectives are especially encouraged.

Any project funded through this Call for Proposals should cover at least three EaP countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) with the aim of developing results with a regional perspective.

The overall amount for this call for proposal is 270.000 EUR. Financial allocation per each EaP CSF Working Group:

  • WG1 – 80.000 EUR
  • WG2 – 50.000 EUR
  • WG3 – 50.000 EUR
  • WG4 – 60.000 EUR
  • WG5 – 30.000 EUR

Any grant requested under this Call for Proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

  • minimum amount per project: EUR 10.000
  • maximum amount per project: EUR 25.000
  • minimum 10% co-financing is requested

Co-financing means that the grant beneficiary has to co-finance part of the cost of the action.

A project proposal and budget proposal templates are available for potential applicant organisations to make the application process more convenient.

Proposals must be submitted to the following email address: applications@eap-csf.eu by 28 January 2018, midnight (24.00 Brussels time).

Useful links:

Guidelines for Applicants

Annex I – Project proposal template

Annex II – Budget proposal template

Annex III – Declaration of honour on financial eligibility of the lead partner

The EaP CSF Re-granting scheme supports the projects of the EaP CSF members with a regional dimension that contribute to achieving its mission and facilitate the work of its five thematic Working Groups. Three calls for proposals have been implemented on the course of 2015-2017 with 48 projects benefiting from the scheme. The projects delivered substantial policy input, capacity building and trainings, as well as activities and campaigns focusing on the grassroots level connecting the civil society with the interest and needs of wider public in the EaP countries. The project results contributed to the policy implementation under the EaP multilateral roof, to the process of reforms in the EaP countries and to EaP CSF advocacy in Brussels, EU and EaP capitals. One of the major focus of the scheme is to strengthen the regional perspective, bridging the emerging gaps among the EaP countries while acknowledging their different paths and contractual relations with the EU.

In 2017 in the framework of the EaP CSF Re-granting Scheme the Secretariat received 60 proposals, out of which 52 passed the eligibility screening. The Selection Committee decided to provide funding for 15 projects.

july, 2024