Brussels, 21 December 2020

Online Steering Committee Meeting

The EaP CSF Steering Committee met online on the 21st December 2020 to discuss the planning for the beginning of 2021.

The meeting in December was an opportunity for newly elected Steering Committee members to get acquainted with their new role, ask questions, discuss the planning for 2021, and establish task forces on issues like strategy, advocacy, or re-granting.

The EaP CSF’s agenda for 2021 includes several high-priority action points, such as capacity building for Working Groups, a revision of the Eastern Partnership Index methodology, development and finalisation of the advocacy plan for 2021, and the completion of the COVID-19 re-granting.

To ensure an inclusive and comprehensive approach to the Forum’s activities in 2021, the Steering Committee will be closely involved. Thanks to the establishment of dedicated task forces, Steering Committee members will help shape directly the Forum’s general strategy, the advocacy  plan for 2021, the EaP CSF project, and the re-granting to EaP CSF members.

In addition, to guarantee a smooth process of the re-granting to National Platforms and to use the knowledge of the EaP CSF to its full potential, the coordination and exchange for information between the National Facilitators and the Secretariats of National Platforms should be reinforced in 2021.

Available for download

Meeting minutes from the online Steering Committee Meeting