Mass repressions during presidential campaign in Belarus

Mass repressions during presidential campaign in Belarus

Brussels, 26 June 2020 Mass repressions in Belarus during the election campaign The Belarusian National Platform and the Steering Committee of the EaP CSF have released a statement on the mass repressions in the Republic of Belarus during the presidential campaign. It...
EU and EaP Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting 2020

EU and EaP Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting 2020

Brussels, 11 June 2020 Video-teleconference meeting of EU and EaP Ministers of Foreign Affairs The EaP CSF has submitted its written contribution for the video-teleconference meeting of EU and EaP foreign Ministers which took place on June 11, 2020. We welcome the...
Socio-political situation in Belarus during COVID-19

Socio-political situation in Belarus during COVID-19

Brussels, 27 May 2020 The socio-political situation in Belarus in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic The Belarusian National Platform released a statement on the socio-political situation in Belarus in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Important points include...