Top 10 findings

What does the 2023 EaP Index tell us?

1. An increasingly multi-speed EaP region

The EaP is increasingly stratified: Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine became a less distinct entity, and the lines between EU neighbourhood policy and EU enlargement policy have blurred.

2. Fragile accountability

The EaP Index shows that civil society holds authorities across the EaP region, despite increasing challenges in Belarus and Azerbaijan.

3. An invaluable civil society

Civil society plays an integral part in the EU enlargement process in Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. As EU accession processes unfold, the importance of cooperation and equal partnership between EaP governments and civil society increases.

4. Resilience through connectivity

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine catalysed deeper integration between some EaP states and the EU in energy, trade and transport.

5. A perpetual dilemma

Should an increasingly authoritarian country be a strategic partner of the EU? Azerbaijan shows that values still clash with interests in the EaP region.

6. Minding the gender gap

A systematic analysis of legislation and policies through a gender lens are generally insufficient in all EaP states, including the EU candidates.

7. Revamped public administration

While Moldova and Ukraine improved their public administration, we witness a downwards drift in politically polarised Georgia. 

8. Rising number of political prisoners

Belarus and Azerbaijan’s regimes continue to weaponise their judicial systems to delegitimise their opponents.

9. Merit matters

An expedited enlargement can come at a cost if the EU takes insufficient account of systemic flaws.

10. A community of practice

Through the Forum, CSOs from all six EaP states provide and get critical insights into political, social, and economic aspects of European integration.

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The monitoring work we do is possible thanks to our donors and supporters, members and friends of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.  

The EaP Index is produced with the financial support of the European Union.

Its content is the sole responsibility of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Partner on data collection and visualisation

Partner on layout, design and illustration

Contact us
Alexandra Sabou
Advocacy and EaP Index Manager
Tel: +32 487 42 11 31