2020 Re-granting to Working Group 1, Project 2

Think Bridges: Raising Awareness and Sharing Experiences

The NGO Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation (Ukraine) and its partners from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova will work towards Strategic Communications Plurality for civil society in their respective countries of the Eastern Partnership.

At a glance

Lead organisation: NGO Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation (Ukraine)

Partner organisations:

  • Regional Studies Center (RSC) Foundation (Armenia)
  • Center for Economic and Social Development (Azerbaijan)
  • Foreign Policy Association (Moldova)

Project duration: 01 April – 31 October 2020

Project aim: The project aims at strenghtening the regional discourse on the EaP policy and process of European integration through providing support to the EaP Think Bridge Digest, which offers information and analysis provided by think tanks from all six EaP countries on a regular basis (please see the two recent editions of EaP Think Bridge below).

Filling the information gap among the countries of the EaP region, the project falls within the 20 Deliverables for 2020, cross-cutting deliverable 3 targeting strategic communication, and support to plurality and independence of media.

Available for download

Round table – January 2021, focusing on election year implication and influence on the EaP region and further cooperation with the EU in Georgia.

Round table – December 2020, focusing on election year implication and influence on the EaP region and further cooperation with the EU in Moldova.

Round table – September 2020, focusing on election year implications and influence on the EaP region and further cooperation with the EU in Belarus

Launching event – April 2020, Eastern Partnership vs. Coronavirus: Test for Democracy.

EaP Monthly Analytical Digest – December 2020, Eastern Partnership in the next decade, focus on Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, EaP Think Bridge, 31/2020

EaP Monthly Analytical Digest – November 2020, Presidential Elections in Moldova, Interim Success of Maia Sandu, EaP Think Bridge 30/2020

EaP Monthly Analytical Digest – October 2020, Eastern Partnership as a test of the EU’s commitment to conflict resolution, EaP Think Bridge 23/2020

EaP Monthly Analytical Digest – September 2020, Coronavirus crush test: disinformation resilience of the EaP States, EaP Think Bridge 22/2020

Belarus: test for the neighbourhood (Беларусь: тест для соседства), Online event including the presentation of the results of the EaP CSF Monitoring Mission, Ukrainian Prism

EaP Monthly Analytical Digest – August 2020, Elections in Belarus: International Implications, EaP Think Bridge 21/2020

EaP Monthly Analytical Digest – July 2020, Border Tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan: Military and Political Implications, EaP Think Bridge 20/2020

EaP Monthly Analytical Digest – June 2020, June of High Level and Low Content, EaP Think Bridge 19/2020

EaP Monthly Analytical Digest – May 2020, Neighbors, Partners, Problems – First year of Zelenskyy’s Policy in the EaP Region, EaP Think Bridge 18/2020

EaP Monthly Analytical Digest – April 2020, Oil Crisis: a Window of Opportunity for the Eastern Partnership, EaP Think Bridge 17/2020

EaP Monthly Analytical Digest – January-March 2020, Eastern Partnership vs. Coronavirus: Test for Democracy, EaP Think Bridge 16/2020

EaP Monthly Analytical Digest – October 2019, Outlook for Eastern Partnership: view from the inside, EaP Think Bridge 15/2019