Baku, 4-5 December 2019

EaP PAR Seminar “Competency model: challenges and solutions”

Yurii Krivorotko (Lev Sapieha Foundation, Belarus) has observed the discussions on challenges and solutions to competence models for public administration performance during the EaP seminar on Public Administration Reform (PAR) held in Baku from 4 till 5 December.

During the seminar on competency models in public administration, Forum representative Yurii Krivorotko met representatives from the Eastern Partnership countries Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine. Additionally, Bettina Lösch (Head of Human Resources Management at the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy) and Gulia Suleeva (Kazakh Association of Human Resource Managers in Nursultan) were invited to the seminar as a speakers. Forum representative Krivorotko contributed to the discussion during both seminar days. Together with the panel participants, Krivorotko visited the State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Find the meticulous summary of the event (in Russian) further down for download.

Available for download

Report [RU]: “Модель компетентности: вызовы и решения / Competency model: challenges and solutions”, Krivorotko, 2019