Our vision
A common Europe, without walls, in which its peoples are treated with dignity and live in solidarity and security in democratic societies which are inclusive, tolerant, just, and environmentally responsible.
Our mission
We ensure civil society from the Eastern partnership and the European Union participate in planning, monitoring and implementing the Eastern Partnership policy.
We maintain a dialogue with the European Union and Eastern Partnership decision makers to democratically transform the EaP countries and guarantee their integration into the EU.

Civil society holds national authorities to account and strengthens public participation.
The EU is accountable to and supportive of civil society and its effective engagement in the implementation of the Eastern Partnership policy.
The Eastern partnership Civil Society Forum is a strong, credible and accountable that can be relied on as a trusted source of information.
Who we are
Steering Committee members are elected for a two-year mandate, report to the General Assembly and are supported by the Secretariat. The General Assembly usually convenes at the EaP CSF Civil Society Summit and is the highest decision-making body in the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. National Platforms gather civil society organisations from a single EaP country and facilitate the implementation of the EaP policy objectives in each EaP country. An independent Compliance Committee provides a mechanism to ensure balanced division of power, accountability and resolutions for disputes.
The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum is grateful to its generous donors and partners for their continuous support towards our work.

European Union

National Endowment for Democracy

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (partner)
Our address
EaP CSF Secretariat
Avenue de Cortenbergh 120
1000, Brussels, Belgium