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Our vision

A common Europe, without walls, in which its peoples are treated with dignity and live in solidarity and security in democratic societies which are inclusive, tolerant, just, and environmentally responsible.

Our mission

We ensure civil society from the Eastern partnership and the European Union participate in planning, monitoring and implementing the Eastern Partnership policy.

We maintain a dialogue with the European Union and Eastern Partnership decision makers to democratically transform the EaP countries and guarantee their integration into the EU.


Enabling the environment in Eastern Partnership countries allows civil society to prosper.
Hold accountable

Civil society holds national authorities to account and strengthens public participation.


The EU is accountable to and supportive of civil society and its effective engagement in the implementation of the Eastern Partnership policy.

Be credible

The Eastern partnership Civil Society Forum is a strong, credible and accountable that can be relied on as a trusted source of information.

Who we are

Adriana Hrushynska

Events and Admin Officer

Anastasia Murzanovska

Grants and Advocacy Officer

Anastasiia Halyko

Steering Committee Member 2024-2026

Andrea Raimondi

Policy and Advocacy Manager

Anh Helge

Steering Committee Member 2024-2026

Antonella Aloia

Advocacy Trainee

Daniela Mussnig

IZ – Diversity, Dialogue

Edgar Khachatryan

Armenia National Platform Facilitator and Steering Committee Member 2024-2026

Elen Manaseryan

Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, Steering Committee Member 2024-2026+37496800320

Gurgen Petrosyan

Human Development Research Initiative, Steering Committee Member 2024-2026

Irakli Jgharkava

ALDA – The European Association for Local Democracy

Jeanette Fava

Chief Financial Officer

Joli Dibra

Finance Assistant

Josie Carfora

Creative Communications Trainee

Konstantin Zhgenti

Georgia National Platform Facilitator and Steering Committee Member 2024-2026

Lana Willebrand

Union to Union, Steering Committee Member 2024-2026

Lasha Tughushi

Foundation “Liberal Academy Tbilisi”, Steering Committee Member 2024-2026

Maxence Salendre

Communications Manager

Mikalai Kvantaliani

Association New Group

Nino Elizbarashvili

Steering Committee Member 2020-2026

Nugzar Kokhreidze

Compliance Committee Chairperson, Research Intellectual Club “Dialogue of Generations”

Pascal Willaumez

Membership and Governance Manager

Roberto Paredes

Finance Manager

Ruslan Havryliuk

Ukraine National Platform Facilitator and Steering Committee Member 2020-2026

Ryan Curtis


Sergei Drozdovsky

Belarus National Platform Facilitator and Steering Committee Member 2024-2026

Sergiu Gurǎu

Moldova National Platform Coordinator and Steering Committee member 2024-2026+37379641243

Shahla Ismayil

Azerbaijan National Platform Facilitator and Steering Committee Member 2020-2026

Sofiia Pedos

Finance and Procurement Assistant

Steliana Burlacu

Foundation for Education and Development

Tania Marocchi


Yana Brovdiy

Advocacy and EaP Index Manager

Steering Committee members are elected for a two-year mandate, report to the General Assembly and are supported by the Secretariat. The General Assembly usually convenes at the EaP CSF Civil Society Summit and is the highest decision-making body in the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. National Platforms gather civil society organisations from a single EaP country and facilitate the implementation of the EaP policy objectives in each EaP country. An independent Compliance Committee provides a mechanism to ensure balanced division of power, accountability and resolutions for disputes.


The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum is grateful to its generous donors and partners for their continuous support towards our work.

Our address

EaP CSF Secretariat
Avenue de Cortenbergh 120
1000, Brussels, Belgium