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Published on 16 Jul, 2022

Civilian targeting in Vinnytsia cannot be tolerated!

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After the brutal attack by Russia on the city of Vinnytsia (Ukraine), Members of the Steering Commitee of the EaP CSF express solidarity with the people of Vinnytsia and call for prosecution of the crimes committed by the Russian forces.

After the brutal attack by Russia on the city of Vinnytsia (Ukraine), Members of the Steering Commitee of the EaP CSF express solidarity with the people of Vinnytsia and call for prosecution of the crimes committed by the Russian forces.

On 14 July, Ukrainians suffered another major, brutal attack at the hands of the Russian aggressor. After Bucha, Mariupol, Kramatorsk, Kremenchuk, Severodonetsk, Sloviansk, Chasiv Yar, Kharkiv, Odesa, and countless others, Russian missiles struck civilian buildings and a cultural centre in the beautiful city of Vinnytsia, killing over 20 people and wounding dozens more. Vinnytsia is one of the most comfortable cities in Ukraine that meets European standards. Vinnytsia had so far been spared by major attacks and was chosen by many people fleeing other parts of the country as a place where to find relative safety. Instead, they endured repeated trauma.

The missile attack targeted a civilian site and constitutes another tragic violation of the rules and customs of war by the terrorist Russia. Similar acts of indiscriminate killings aimed towards civilians have no justification and should stop immediately.

We emphasize that similar missile attacks on cities of Ukraine continued today and there is a serious threat of escalation of the Russian war in Ukraine.

We continue to call upon the international community to ensure due investigation and prosecution for all violations and crimes committed by the Russian forces, including their political superiors. All those responsible for human rights violations should be held accountable for their actions in accordance with international law.

We express our solidarity with the people of Vinnytsia and continue to stand close to all the people of Ukraine, who continue to suffer because of this unjust war.

Members of the Steering Commiteen of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.

Available for download

Statement in solidarity with the people of Vinnytsia and in condemnation of Russian targeting of civilians