The Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum expresses its deepest condolences to the people of Austria and France, whose countries have been touched by that most heinous of crimes – terrorism against innocent civilians.
The Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum expresses its deepest condolences to the people of Austria and France, whose countries have been touched by that most heinous of crimes – terrorism against innocent civilians.
Such attacks represent an assault on our shared values of democracy, the rule of law, and respect for human rights – including freedom of expression and religion. Yet far from dividing our societies, as terrorists seek to do, the deplorable acts witnessed in Vienna and Nice have only strengthened our resolve to come together in solidarity and cooperation.
Over the coming years, ‘reinforcing resilience’ will be the cornerstone of the Eastern Partnership initiative. In this collective effort, the resilience of the Austrian and French people in the face of these recent traumas will doubtless serve as an example to us all.
Members of the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
Available for download
Statement of the EaP CSF Steering Committee on the terror attacks in Austria and France, 6 November 2020