Public appeal for adoption of the draft law on noncommercial organisations in Moldova
Moldovan National Platform of the EaP CSF
Available for download
Statement for the adoption of the draft law on noncommercial organisations in MoldovaAppeal for the adoption of the draft law on noncommercial organisations in Moldova
The Moldovan National Platform released a public appeal to support the adoption of the draft law on noncommercial organisations in the second reading and without delay. It advocates to pass the draft law in the final reading in order to ensure no amendments are made, which could hinder the work of nonprofit organisations and to communicate transparently with civil society organisations about any amendments to the law.
The Moldovan National Platform calls on the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova to pass the draft law in the second reading and without amendments, which could impede the work of NGOs.
The statement also approves of the fact that no additions that could hinder the work of civil society organisations were added to the Draft Law No. 109.
The draft law is intended to significantly improve the legal framework in which nonprofit organisations work. Once passed, it will simplify the registration of noncommercial organisations. In addition, it will limit the authorities’ power to impose unjustified limitations. It will also be forbidden for noncommercial organisations to support election candidates, which helps to draw a clear line in the relationship between political parties and nonprofits.
Furthermore, the law also creates the legal framework for the government support for nonprofit organisations, which current laws did not address sufficiently. Legal gaps, which appeared with the 2019 amendment of the Civil Code, will also be addressed by the new law. Lastly, foreign funding for noncommercial organisations will no longer be restricted.
The Moldovan National Platform rejects the motion by Socialist Party members who want the law to come into force only on 1 January 2021.
Moldovan National Platform of the EaP CSF
Available for download
Statement for the adoption of the draft law on noncommercial organisations in Moldova