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Published on 3 Oct, 2024

Where do Ms. Kallas and Ms. Kos stand on the Eastern Partnership and enlargement agenda?

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Open letters to Members of the European parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee ahead of the hearings of Ms. Kallas and Ms. Kos respectively as HR/VP-designate and Commissioner-designate for Enlargement.

The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (AFET Committee) will be conducting the hearings of HR/VP-designate Ms. Kaja Kallas and Commissioner-designate for Enlargement Ms. Marta Kos the week starting 4 November 2024. Ahead of these hearings, the EaP CSF sent two open letters to members of the AFET committee asking them to ask where Ms. Kallas and Ms. Kos stand on the Eastern Partnership and Enlargement agenda. The content of the letters can be found below:

Dear MEP,

The President-elect Ursula von der Leyen has decided to nominate Estonian candidate, Ms Kaja Kallas, for the position of HR/VP-designate, and Slovenian candidate, Ms Marta Kos, for the position of Commissioner-designate for Enlargement.

The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) highly respects the duties and responsibilities of the new HR/VP and Commissioner and advocates for synergies between the enlargement agenda and Eastern Partnership policy. We wish to ensure the continuity of the policy and the continuous involvement of civil society.

As the formal and sole civil society observer in the EaP architecture, our platform of over 1,200 civil society organisations from the European Union and Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries has a long-standing history of contributing to policy processes. We put forward concrete recommendations on the best ways to successfully advance the EaP policy and create synergies with relevant EaP countries’ enlargement agenda.

Mindful of the importance to ensure synergies between the enlargement agenda and the Eastern Partnership policy and to support civil society’s role therein, we would like to suggest you address the following questions to HR/VP-designate, Ms Kaja Kallas, and Commissioner-designate, Ms Marta Kos, during the hearings taking place in the AFET Committee of the European Parliament.


Download the letter on Hearing of HR/VP-designate, Ms. Kaja Kallas
Download the letter on Hearing of the Commissioner-designate for Enlargement, Ms. Marta Kos