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Statement on the 6th Eastern Partnership Summit

The EaP CSF commends the results of the 6th Eastern Partnership Summit and considers it a success. At this critical juncture in the EU’s relations with its Eastern neighbours when both sides are facing multiple and complex challenges, the commitment of the EU and EaP leaders to the continuation of the policy sends a strong signal to the citizens of the partner countries and EU member states.

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Belarus: A catastrophic human rights situation

The EaP CSF Steering Committee calls on the international community, the governments of democratic countries and the EU to take all necessary measures towards the dictatorial regime in Belarus and to continue to demand the unconditional release of political prisoners, the safeguarding of fundamental rights and freedoms, and the holding of free democratic elections in Belarus.

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Statement on the local elections in Georgia

After the second round of self-government elections in Georgia, and the resulting tense situation, the EaP CSF Georgian National Platform calls on the election commissions, first and foremost, the Georgian Central Election Commission (CEC) not to ignore any complaints and make impartial decisions to them, to identify all violations and not to repeat the predecessors’ mistakes about the recounting of votes in precincts.

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