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Statement on the 6th Eastern Partnership Summit

The EaP CSF commends the results of the 6th Eastern Partnership Summit and considers it a success. At this critical juncture in the EU’s relations with its Eastern neighbours when both sides are facing multiple and complex challenges, the...
Articles, Policy Papers

Environment and climate recommendations on EaP post 2020 priorities

The EaP CSF Working Group 3 on environment, climate change and energy security welcomes and supports the recently published EaP CSF position paper on the Joint Staff Working Document (JSWD), ‘Recovery, resilience and reform: post-2020...
Articles, Policy Papers

Belarus: Speech on political prisoners by Tatsiana Khomich

During the 13th EaP CSF Annual Assembly, Tatsiana Khomich, Coordination Council representative for political prisoners, delivered a speech on the situation in Belarus....
Articles, Policy Papers

Azerbaijan: Violent repression cannot be an answer

The EaP CSF Steering Committee decisively condemns the disproportionately violent response of the police during the protest in Baku on December 1 and restrictions on the freedom of assembly guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of ...
Articles, Policy Papers

Belarus: A catastrophic human rights situation

The EaP CSF Steering Committee calls on the international community, the governments of democratic countries and the EU to take all necessary measures towards the dictatorial regime in Belarus and to continue to demand the unconditional rel...
Articles, Policy Papers

Statement on the local elections in Georgia

After the second round of self-government elections in Georgia, and the resulting tense situation, the EaP CSF Georgian National Platform calls on the election commissions, first and foremost, the Georgian Central Election Commission (CEC) ...
Articles, Policy Papers

Post-2020 EaP priorities: EaP CSF vision

No recovery without democracy: rule of law and democratic accountability at the heart of recovery, resilience and reform....
Articles, Policy Papers

Worrying Georgian-Belarusian security cooperation agreement

The EaP CSF Steering Committee is deeply concerned by the “Agreement on Cooperation between the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the State Security Service”, signed in 2016, which entered into force on 1 A...
Articles, Policy Papers

Statement on the recent arrests in Belarus

Against the backdrop of the heightened political repression and unprecedented attacks against civil society in Belarus, several civil society activists have been arrested....
Articles, Policy Papers

Georgia: EaP CSF oppose Ruling Party decision to Cancel April 19 Agreement

The Georgian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum expresses indignation at the decision taken by the ruling party to cancel the April 19 agreement reached through the efforts of international partners....
Articles, Policy Papers
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