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Cyprus should implement sanctions against Belarusian officials

The EaP CSF Steering Committee calls on the Republic of Cyprus to implement sanctions against perpetrators of repression in Belarus....
Articles, Policy Papers

COVID-19 impact: Supporting the viability and sustainability of EaP civil society

How does Covid-19 impact the viability of civil society in the Eastern partnership region? This is the fourth and last paper of our series....
Articles, Policy Papers

Belarus: no to illegal detention of EaP CSF members!

The EaP CSF Steering Committee condemns the illegal detention of some of its Belarusian members....
Articles, Policy Papers

Azerbaijan: Re-examine the case of Tofiq Yagublu

The Steering Committee of the EaP CSF condemns the arrest of Tofiq Yagublu and urges the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan to re-examine his case....
Articles, Policy Papers

Belarus Monitoring Mission Report

The EaP CSF conducted a monitoring mission to Belarus to investigate and report on political and societal developments during the presidential election 2020. They just published their conclusions....
Articles, Policy Papers

Belarus: Recommendations for the meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers

Statement and recommendations by the Belarusian National Platform on the situation in Belarus ahead of the informal meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers...
Articles, Policy Papers

A Call to the International Community on the Situation in Belarus

Joint Statement by the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and the Board of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum....
Articles, Policy Papers

Azerbaijan National Platform Statement on the presidential elections in Belarus

Statement by the Azerbaijani National Platform of the EaP CSF on the presidential elections in Belarus....
Articles, Policy Papers

Coordination Council on transfer of power in the Republic of Belarus

The EaP CSF Steering Committee condemns the undemocratic presidential election in the Republic of Belarus and the violence against peaceful protesters....
Articles, Policy Papers

Presidential elections and political situation in Belarus

The Belarusian National Platform and the Steering Committee of the EaP CSF condemn the massive human rights violations in Belarus during the presidential elections....
Articles, Policy Papers
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