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Published on 11 Mar, 2022

Georgian, Moldovan and Ukrainian civil societies call for EU membership

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Members of the EaP CSF National Platforms of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova comment on Ukraine’s, Moldova’s and Georgia’s Applications for Membership of the European Union.

Members of the EaP CSF National Platforms of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova comment on Ukraine’s, Moldova’s and Georgia’s Applications for Membership of the European Union.

We, Ukrainian, Moldovan and Georgian National Platforms of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, condemn the Russian Federation’s unprecedented aggression and attack on Ukraine.

We express our solidarity with the Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, its member organisations and the whole Ukraine.

The intention of the Russian Federation to suppress Ukrainian people’s desire and longing for freedom and to encroach upon sovereignty of Ukraine is unjust. Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, are well aware of the Russian Federation’s dangerous desire to oppress, disperse and subjugate the freedom-loving citizens of our countries.

Today Ukraine expects unconditional solidarity, specific and tangible support from the civilised world. We highly value and appreciate EU’s firm and courageous position, actions effectively assisting the country to withstand the barbarian assault.

Our countries have made their choices. We want to become full EU members and see our future in the European Union. Our countries have been paying a high price for their determination for many years. Today free Ukrainian people are fighting for democracy, freedom, European values, protecting the civilized world, the whole European family. Ukrainian children, adults, civilians pay the highest price. The number of casualties is high and selfless struggle of the Ukrainian people is impressive.

Over the years, our countries have made a number of successful changes, ensured improvement and harmonization of our national legislation and brought it closer to European standards with active engagement of the civil society. We always affirm the clear and universal choice of Western civilization. Today, the maintenance of these achievements goes to the battlefield of the brave Ukrainian people.

We welcome Georgia’s, Ukraine’s and Moldova’s Applications for Membership of the European Union and we also welcome the support expressed by a number of EU member states for granting Ukraine candidate country status in an expedited manner and eventually joining the EU.

Besides Ukraine, it is also crucial for Georgia and Moldova to be hastily granted EU candidate status and thus to respond firmly to the Russian Federation’s outward aggression and attack on the free choice of our countries.

Citizens of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia are looking with a hope for a decision of the European Union to facilitate and accelerate the process of EU accession for our countries.

While wishing the Ukrainian people the endurance, the courage and the victory we urge the EU and the whole democratic community to increase pressure on the Russian Federation and force it to retire from Ukraine.

Members of the Civil Society Platforms of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova

  • Yurii Vdovenko – National Facilitator for Ukraine
  • Natia Kuprashvili – National Facilitator for Georgia
  • Adrian Lupusor – National Facilitator for Moldova

Available for download

Joint Statement of Ukrainian, Georgian and Moldovan National Platforms of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum on Ukraine’s, Moldova’s and Georgia’s applications for membership of the European Union.