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Published on 7 Dec, 2023

European Council should green light opening of negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova and grant EU candidate status to Georgia

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The EaP CSF Steering Committee Statement calls on the European Council to follow through on the European Commission’s recommendations to open negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova and to grant EU candidate status to Georgia.

The EaP CSF Steering Committee Statement calls on the European Council to follow through on the European Commission’s recommendations to open negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova and to grant EU candidate status to Georgia.

Following the European Commission’s 2023 Enlargement Package, the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum calls on the European Council to decide to open accession negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine and to grant EU candidate status to Georgia during its next meeting on 14-15 December 2023.

The EaP CSF Steering Committee welcomes the European Commission’s adoption of the 2023 Enlargement package to recommend the opening of negotiations with Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, and the granting of EU candidate status to Georgia.   

The Enlargement package contributes to the chosen path towards EU membership of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. The current momentum should be maintained, and all efforts must be directed towards creating optimal conditions for further successful reforms in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) Region. 

The citizens of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia are looking with hope towards the upcoming decision of the European Council to endorse, facilitate and accelerate the process of EU accession for their countries. 

Echoing the recommendations already stated in the EaP CSF General Assembly resolution adopted on 16 November 2023 by 104 civil society organisations from the Eastern Partnership countries and the EU, we call on the European Council to agree to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova during its next meeting on 14-15 December 2023. Moreover, we call on the European Council to adopt the negotiating frameworks once Ukraine and Moldova have adopted certain key measures, and to grant Georgia the status of a candidate country on the understanding that defined steps are taken. 

We call on the European Union and its member states to provide to all three countries, the strong political and financial support needed to pursue and complete credible and meaningful reforms, as well as to benefit from further economic integration and legislative harmonisation with the EU. 

We emphasise Ukraine’s daily sacrifices in upholding European values on the battlefield, Moldova’s commitment to a pro-reform agenda, and the active support of civil society in these three countries towards EU integration.  

As Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, we will continue to be a key supporter of the path towards European integration for Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia and of the democratic reforms in all countries of the Eastern Partnership.  

Members of the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum 

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Statement by members of the Steering Committee, 7 December 2023