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Published on 19 Aug, 2020

Azerbaijan National Platform Statement on the presidential elections in Belarus

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Statement by the Azerbaijani National Platform of the EaP CSF on the presidential elections in Belarus.

Statement by the Azerbaijani National Platform of the EaP CSF on the presidential elections in Belarus.

The EaP CSF Azerbaijan National Platform expresses its solidarity in a statement with the Belarusian National Platform and the citizens of Belarus regarding the aftermath of the presidential elections.

The Azerbaijan National Platform of the EaP CSF expresses its concern on the situation in Belarus. The presidential elections were overshadowed by massive violence against peaceful protesters and the opposition. Moreover, there has been widespread electoral fraud. Therefore, the Azerbaijan National Platform reaffirms that the interference in the elections is not acceptable and calls for the necessity to conduct free and fair elections.

Moreover, the brutal repressions and arbitrary arrests of protesters constitute a violation of political rights and must cease immediately. In addition, all political prisoners must be released. Belarusian authorities should also engage in an inclusive political dialogue with the political opposition in order to ensure a peaceful further development of the situation.

Available for download

Statement of the Azerbaijan National Platform of the EaP CSF, 17 August 2020