The policy paper “Machine Industry Transformation in Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova” was produced within the project “Vulnerable Employment in Machinery in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine: Setting a Common Policy Agenda”, supported by the EaP CSF Re-granting Scheme. The aim of the project was to describe the vulnerabilities of the regional machinery sector to external shocks and to propose policy mechanisms to support employment in that sector. The study was developed by the Belarusian Congress Of Democratic Trade Unions (Belarus) along with its partners Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine, Labour Institute (Moldova) and CASE Belarus (Poland)

The paper offers an in-depth analytical report of the current situation of the machine industry in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. The analysis is based on the following indicators:

  • machinery companies performance;
  • local governments attitude towards industrial development in their local areas;
  • central governments efforts of industrial reform.

The report also contains a SWOT analysis along with proposition of the key directions of sector development for each country.

Full Paper


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