The Ecological Movement of Moldova and its partners from Kakheti Regional Development Foundation, International Charitable Organisation “Information Center “Green Dossier” and NGO Ecohome developed the research paper “Geographical Indications in the EaP countries. Current State of Affairs” within the EaP CSF Re-granting project “DCFTAs’ enshrined Geographic Indications/GIs for non-wine food products: A boost for partnerships’ based rural development in EaP”

A geographical indication (GIs) is a distinctive sign used to identify a certain product as originating from a particular country, region or locality due to its quality, reputation or other characteristic. Some these products include “Champagne”, “Scotch whisky” and “Parma ham”.

The aim of this project is to contribute to the effective and praxis oriented simplification of the food GIs registration process in AAs countries (Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine) in order to make them more accessible for the grass-root, self-organizations of the local/regional food producers and hence: rendering to the rural communities of the 3 AAs EaP a tangible benefit of the EU approximation.

The articles collected in the paper explore diverse areas related to models and best practices of state/ external donors/ regional & LAs support for the registered GIs promotion/marketing & further community benefits reaping. Furthermore, the authors highlights the role for NGOs and CSOs in the registration process. The paper focuses on:

  • the advantages of geographic indication products’ certification: cross-cutting issues;
  • know how of the control system for the GIs based on the EU member states experiences;
  • available donors’ support to GIs-connected projects or initiatives in EaP;
  • PR strategies for GIs promotion.

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